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Szerző Téma: Luke Wood: Ééééég a zsíííííííír!!!!!!!!!!  (Megtekintve 10415 alkalommal)

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2008. Szeptember 17. - 16:24:13
Válasz #15
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Steve Namat

VIP Member
Mellesleg Milos is hasonlóan járt 2003-ban...

Megtaláltam az akkori beírását. Most nincs idő magyarul begépelni...

2003. június 25:

OK, as you remembered that I said I would elaborate on my preparations –I would tell everyone, so maybe you can learn from my mistake.

April 5th (7 weeks out) – I was 262 pounds, very pleased with overall mass and condition.
I traveled a bit, but maintained my strict training regimen and diet so by April 19th (5 weeks out) I was 257 lbs –and in great condition.
That weekend I was in Seattle –Emerald cup (you saw me there) and under the circumstances I couldn’t really train, but I did my cardio and drop the carbs – as I didn’t want to cheat on my diet (eating whatever in the restaurants).
When I returned from Seattle I felt unusually tired and weak. I stepped on scale and realize that I lost 14 pounds in three days (down to 243lbs)?
Monday (april 21st) I trained with Shawn – and I could not even follow what he was doing. My heart rate was over 120, I couldn’t catch my breath, I was extremely weak and I was sweating profusely!
Next day – I realize I dropped another 3 pounds!
As I woke up – I felt that my heart rate is super fast again, I would run out of breath by just making few steps!?!
First thing I thought –THYROID!
But, as I was ahead of schedule this time around –I decide NOT to use any thyroid medication (T3 or T4 in tablet form)- and instead just to use topical T3 cream locally on areas that I wanted to get in better condition (my whole back side).
I had special ‘TRIACANA’ cream made in Italy that was 10% -instead of normal 2% manufactured and sold in France.
I used cream for a total of 12 days – and this 12 days of TRIACANA completely ruined my whole preparations.

I was dropping the weight very fast and as I reached 230 pounds – I knew that only radical approach can (maybe) save me.
I had to increase my calories to 7000/day and completely stop training –for entire week.
I checked my blood every few days and my doc (Hizon – great sports medicine doc) told me that it would take minimum 6-12 weeks before my  thyroid would get back to normal. I did not have that much time.
Anyway, blood results confirmed what I suspected it. My T3 levels were off the roof – 3 times higher than panic level…and my TSH is ZERO!
Slowly T3 was getting down, but my TSH would not pick up. As I expected drop of circulating T3 –I had to drop the calories slowly –and that was a mess. My body would change 10 times a day. I knew that it is going to be just a matter of time when I would face opposite problem –when my T3 level drops to dangerously low levels and my TSH stay super low (or zero). In that instance my metabolism is going to be super slow and I would have trouble maintaining the weight.
That happened from may 15th until 16th in the morning – I gain from 245 lbs to 258 lbs -13 pounds in one day!
I now had to immediately drop all the carbs and start training twice with 2 cardio sessions daily.
Until may 24th (week out) I did not loose an ounce!
Finally,  I had to deplete and load like I always do –hoping that I could look half way decent and being able to finish the contest.

I tried to pose couple of times for Flex and Shawn – but I couldn’t even complete 7 mandatory poses. I just saved that energy to possibly do it on the stage.
I am happy that I managed that , even though I don’t remember much of the show. It was just a blur.

Today (june 25th) I am still not back to my normal thyroid levels…but results are definitely better.
Lesson to learn from here –
Don’t take transdermal medications lightly. I did not even bother to check how much cream my wife was putting on my back, glutes and hamstrings…and after 12 days I realized I used almost 100 grams of cream – which makes 10000mg of T3!!!
That would me equivalent to 40 cytomel tabs a day!? The most I would ever use before is 3/day (–and usually I would stop on 2).
Cardinal mistake – one that ruined my contest prep.

Don’t make the same mistake –consider everything that you are taking – and remember if you give your better half any cream to use –explain it that it is not moisturizer that should be used like a lotion (as much as possible) –but that it is indeed medication that can be quite dangerous.
Of course, I don’t blame my wife –it was my mistake I did not check how much she was putting on me!
GYURMA FOREVER: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtCbp1kx41M
"All that we are is the result of what we have thought."

2008. Szeptember 17. - 16:48:54
Válasz #16
Nem elérhető


Mellesleg Milos is hasonlóan járt 2003-ban...

Megtaláltam az akkori beírását. Most nincs idő magyarul begépelni...
nem csoda, hogy egyből vágta mi a téma...
"Yeah buddy, light weight baby!"

2008. Szeptember 17. - 18:50:57
Válasz #17


Csak nehogy megtaláljanak az ellenőrök , bevallom Woodnak én adtam a pajzsmirigyhormonokat , féltem , hogy a postagalambom megfullad mire odaér Amerikába , de végülis csak összejött ! A végeredmény nem számít már , én mindent elkövettem Luke sikere érdekében ! Ártatlan vagyok !  8-)

2008. Szeptember 21. - 19:12:44
Válasz #18
Nem elérhető


Mellesleg Milos is hasonlóan járt 2003-ban...

Megtaláltam az akkori beírását. Most nincs idő magyarul begépelni...

2003. június 25:

OK, as you remembered that I said I would elaborate on my preparations –I would tell everyone, so maybe you can learn from my mistake.

April 5th (7 weeks out) – I was 262 pounds, very pleased with overall mass and condition.
I traveled a bit, but maintained my strict training regimen and diet so by April 19th (5 weeks out) I was 257 lbs –and in great condition.
That weekend I was in Seattle –Emerald cup (you saw me there) and under the circumstances I couldn’t really train, but I did my cardio and drop the carbs – as I didn’t want to cheat on my diet (eating whatever in the restaurants).
When I returned from Seattle I felt unusually tired and weak. I stepped on scale and realize that I lost 14 pounds in three days (down to 243lbs)?
Monday (april 21st) I trained with Shawn – and I could not even follow what he was doing. My heart rate was over 120, I couldn’t catch my breath, I was extremely weak and I was sweating profusely!
Next day – I realize I dropped another 3 pounds!
As I woke up – I felt that my heart rate is super fast again, I would run out of breath by just making few steps!?!
First thing I thought –THYROID!
But, as I was ahead of schedule this time around –I decide NOT to use any thyroid medication (T3 or T4 in tablet form)- and instead just to use topical T3 cream locally on areas that I wanted to get in better condition (my whole back side).
I had special ‘TRIACANA’ cream made in Italy that was 10% -instead of normal 2% manufactured and sold in France.
I used cream for a total of 12 days – and this 12 days of TRIACANA completely ruined my whole preparations.

I was dropping the weight very fast and as I reached 230 pounds – I knew that only radical approach can (maybe) save me.
I had to increase my calories to 7000/day and completely stop training –for entire week.
I checked my blood every few days and my doc (Hizon – great sports medicine doc) told me that it would take minimum 6-12 weeks before my  thyroid would get back to normal. I did not have that much time.
Anyway, blood results confirmed what I suspected it. My T3 levels were off the roof – 3 times higher than panic level…and my TSH is ZERO!
Slowly T3 was getting down, but my TSH would not pick up. As I expected drop of circulating T3 –I had to drop the calories slowly –and that was a mess. My body would change 10 times a day. I knew that it is going to be just a matter of time when I would face opposite problem –when my T3 level drops to dangerously low levels and my TSH stay super low (or zero). In that instance my metabolism is going to be super slow and I would have trouble maintaining the weight.
That happened from may 15th until 16th in the morning – I gain from 245 lbs to 258 lbs -13 pounds in one day!
I now had to immediately drop all the carbs and start training twice with 2 cardio sessions daily.
Until may 24th (week out) I did not loose an ounce!
Finally,  I had to deplete and load like I always do –hoping that I could look half way decent and being able to finish the contest.

I tried to pose couple of times for Flex and Shawn – but I couldn’t even complete 7 mandatory poses. I just saved that energy to possibly do it on the stage.
I am happy that I managed that , even though I don’t remember much of the show. It was just a blur.

Today (june 25th) I am still not back to my normal thyroid levels…but results are definitely better.
Lesson to learn from here –
Don’t take transdermal medications lightly. I did not even bother to check how much cream my wife was putting on my back, glutes and hamstrings…and after 12 days I realized I used almost 100 grams of cream – which makes 10000mg of T3!!!
That would me equivalent to 40 cytomel tabs a day!? The most I would ever use before is 3/day (–and usually I would stop on 2).
Cardinal mistake – one that ruined my contest prep.

Don’t make the same mistake –consider everything that you are taking – and remember if you give your better half any cream to use –explain it that it is not moisturizer that should be used like a lotion (as much as possible) –but that it is indeed medication that can be quite dangerous.
Of course, I don’t blame my wife –it was my mistake I did not check how much she was putting on me!

Omg... ˝=/ ˝=/ ˝=/ :(
"I do it because I can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said I couldn’t.”8)


2008. Október 07. - 11:02:49
Válasz #19
Nem elérhető


A világon mindenki értetlenül állt mikor meglátták Luke Wood szereplését az ezévi Atlantic City Pro-n. Luke 1-2-3 héttel a verseny előtt remekül nézett ki és készen állt a harcra. Mi történhetett...?

California-ba érkezése előtt Luke Thailföldön volt (kb. 7-8 héttel a verseny előtt) és gyógyszertári T4-et (pajzsmirigyhormonok egyik fajtája) használt. Állítólag 150 mcg-ot naponta. Ez alacsony dózisnak mondható.

Aztán kb. 6 héttel a verseny előtt szerzett tovább pár doboz kétes származású pajzsmirigyhormont (T4-et és T3-at), amiket magával vitt California-ba is. A következő 2 hétben már ezeknek a kombinációját használta. Egyre keményebb és feszesebb lett, miközben kb. napi 1000 g szénhidrátot evett meg. De 4 héttel a verseny előtt kezdett nagyon-nagyon fáradékony lenni. Mikor megérkezett Fullerton-ba Milos kiakadt a kondícióján. Dorian-éhez hasonlította.

Viszont pózolni is alig tudott Milosnak, edzeni meg csak alig-alig...mivel állandóan fáradt volt, alig kapott levegőt és folyamatosan remegett. A remegést a clenbuterol-nak tulajdonította, ezért teljesen leállt vele. De a helyzet csak rosszabbodott...

Folyamatosan esett a súlya és igen rossz állapotban volt. Ezért Milos rákérdezett, hogy mennyi pajzsmirigy hormont szed. Luke mondta, hogy semmi extra dózis (mivel korábban már megjárt vele)...2 + 2.
Ami annyit jelentett, hogy napi 2 tabletta T3 (2 x 25 mcg) és 2 tabletta T4 (2 x 100 mcg).

Milos vmi rosszat sejtett, ezért bevizsgáltatta a kétes eredetű gyógyszereket és katasztrófális eredmények születtek...

A T3-ban 2.5, a T4-ben 10 volt tablettánként.

A baj csak az volt, hogy nem microgram, hanem miligram!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mit jelentett ez...?

Luke 2 x 2.5 mg = 5 mg T3-at szedett naponta. Ez 5000 mcg. Az ajánlott maximum dózis napi 100 mcg.

Ezen kívűl 2 x 10 mg = 20 mg T4-et szedett naponta. Ez 20000 mcg. Az ajánlott maximum dózis napi 400 mcg.

Tehát Luke az ajánlott maximális dózisok 50-szeresét szedte...kombinálva!!!!!!!!

Lehetséges, hogy életben maradt?!

De ez túl masszív dózis volt ahhoz, hogy csak úgy leálljon vele, akár az is halálos lehetett volna. Fokozatosan kellett csökkenteni az adagot, de Luke a verseny előtti utolsó héten már képtelen volt tartani a súlyát. Zabált ami belefért, naponta 2-3-szor evett a McDonald's-ban is. Milos megtiltotta, hogy vízhajtókat szedjen vagy elhagyja a nátriumot...a dolog már nem a versenyről szólt hanem az életben maradásról. A verseny előtt 10 nappal a thyroid szintje továbbra is az egekben volt, a nyugalmi pulzusa pedig 100 körül. Sok ember segített és drukkolt neki, ezért mégis színpadra állt.


10 nappal a verseny előtt Vs. Színpad

Kemény sztori...
Még jó hogy nem lett komoly baj
-Mit szedsz?
-A lábamat, hogy hamarabb odaérjek edzésre :-D


2008. November 11. - 16:26:13
Válasz #20


most olvastam valahol, hogy besokallt és visszavonul...

2008. November 12. - 10:56:47
Válasz #21
Nem elérhető


most olvastam valahol, hogy besokallt és visszavonul...

Nem bánom igazán, nem tartozott a kedvenceim közzé
-Mit szedsz?
-A lábamat, hogy hamarabb odaérjek edzésre :-D
